Friday 20 March 2015

Words Like Her

He wishes to write words that fit together like the way their lips do
Like the way her body aligns with his when they are one
How she is the words he thinks he’s won.
He wishes to write words that flow together 
The same way those expletives make their way into the air that surrounds them
And just like words that hypnotize, she does too.
He wants to be able to put together lines that when read, will look like the dark lust in her eyes
How they pierce and reach into him to tug at his heart
He wants his readers to read his words like the way he reads her every reaction 
Constantly, his words are driven by that infatuation
He wants to create a piece of literature as enrapturing as her,
As intimidating as her smug smile,
As heated as her teasing gaze,
As warm as her skin,
As soothing as her voice,
As strong as his love sick craze,
He wants his words to form an allusion in the minds of his readers
So that they would all know, just who his muse is, and yet know they can’t have her.

He managed it, he thinks. 

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