Sunday 6 October 2013

The Crack In The Wall

Brick by brick you built them up
Reaching for that limitless sky
Cementing them with a bond so tight
Knowing no one will ever get by.
Surrounding yourself with a barrier so strong
Wanting nothing but yourself to belong
And in your ears you’d hear a pity song
One that people would sing along.
Never letting any one through
You’d hide behind your wall
Sheilding yourself from what you thought would hurt
Preventing yourself from yet another  fall
Fear was never the reason for it
You’ve faced scarier days
What then, keeps you hiding from the world?
What keeps you away?
Don’t let those walls define you,
Don’t let them hold you back.
Someday a soul will come along
And lead you on the right track.
And when those walls of closure from the world, that you built,
Come down to the ground and turn into silt,
You’ll see then that love overcomes all trials..
And you no longer need to live in denial.
The one who crept into your hiding place…
The one who set you free…
Will be the one you’ll know for sure,
deserves, with you, to be.
For even when the world around you ignored you and your wall
This special person,
didn’t give up on you
And helped you stand tall.
Love is that which breaks all obstacles
And never lets you fall
It builds relations that matter
Be it big or small.

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