Sunday 6 October 2013

Sweet Somethings

Each of us have souvenirs from different stages in our lives.
We have a little box or drawer or pouch in which we keep such memories.
They could be letters from a friend or a loved one, things that are significant of a beautiful moment in our lives;
Memories from a time in our life that we don’t want to forget or let go of.
its comforting.
reminds us of the past that we never want to leave behind.. a past we wish, could be the present..
we hold on to it, so that one day in the future, when we find it in an old dusty drawer again.. that nostalgic feeling will lighten our hearts, at that point of time when they seem to be overburdened with unreasonable worries.
and that smile that will involuntarily crawl onto our faces will be one that reaches the heart too :)

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