The community of people that have the same interests in a certain TV show/ movie/ singer/ book, etc. is known as a fandom. They each share a passion/ strong devotion for the show/movie/singer/book/actor etc.
Every fandom has a name.
For example:
Twilight: Twihards
Harry Potter: Potterheads
One direction: Directioners
Demi Lovato: Lovatics
Stana Katic: Stanatics
Castle: Casketteers
Doctor Who: Whovians
Glee: Gleeks
and many more.
The might of a fandom can be seen when they trend hash tags at the speed of lightening on twitter and also when there are polls that include their objects of affection to vote for.
Fan Fiction
Fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, film, etc. is called Fan fiction.
Fans write fan fiction to unleash their imagination, making up stories, the way they want it to be, using the characters they love the most. Fan fictions can be of a particular show, or it can have characters of two or more shows put together. (Cross-overs)
Terms used in fan fictions:
AU: Alternate Universe stories
OOC: Out Of Character
POV: Point Of View
One shot: refers to a single story that can be read and understood in full without having read any other prior story.
Canon: refers to elements established by the original source material
AN: Author’s Notes
Review: Thoughts, feedback and views of the readers.
PM: Private messages.
The word shipping comes from the word RelationSHIP. It is usually used with regards to Fictional characters, when one talks about investing in the relationship between two fictional characters, he/she is said to be shipping the two characters.
(Used in a sentence: I ship A and B)
Shipping includes making photo edits,(Fan art) videos and huge blog posts about the two characters.
Shipper names:
From the act of shipping came the idea of shipper names. The duo that is being shipped is sometimes given a name. It is usually created by the fans themselves by merging the two names of the said characters.
For example:
Kurt and Blaine (Glee) : Klaine
Castle and Beckett (Castle) : Caskett
Callie and Arizona (Grey’s anatomy) : Calzona
Magnus and Alec (The mortal Instruments) : Malec
Used in a sentence:
I ship Klaine.
I’m a hard-core Caskett shipper
OTP is an abbreviation that stands for One True Pair. You may be part of many fandoms and may ship many fictional relationships, but one of them is your OTP.
Your OTP is the one relationship you ship the most.
Fangirling (Verb)
Urban dictionary defines fangirling as:
1. The reaction a fangirl has to any mention or sighting of the object of her “affection”. These reactions include shortness of breath, fainting, high pitched noises, shaking, fierce head shaking as if in the midst of a seizure, endless blog posts, etc.”
2. A gathering of two or more fangirls in which they proceed to waste endless amounts of time ogling, discussing/arguing, stalking, etc. the object of their affection
Used in a sentence:
the minute she saw the new episode title on twitter, she started fangirling.
we fangirled over Castle the entire afternoon.
Fangirling on social networking sites is very common and has become very popular. Fangirls make special profiles to use for fangirling with other fangirls of the fandom.
Exclamations commonly used while fangirling:
- What is Air!
- I can’t even!
- I think I just died!
- Feels!!!
- Shut the front door! (A Casketteer favourite)
The community of people that have the same interests in a certain TV show/ movie/ singer/ book, etc. is known as a fandom. They each share a passion/ strong devotion for the show/movie/singer/book/actor etc.
Every fandom has a name.
For example:
Twilight: Twihards
Harry Potter: Potterheads
One direction: Directioners
Demi Lovato: Lovatics
Stana Katic: Stanatics
Castle: Casketteers
Doctor Who: Whovians
Glee: Gleeks
and many more.
The might of a fandom can be seen when they trend hash tags at the speed of lightening on twitter and also when there are polls that include their objects of affection to vote for.
Fan Fiction
Fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, film, etc. is called Fan fiction.
Fans write fan fiction to unleash their imagination, making up stories, the way they want it to be, using the characters they love the most. Fan fictions can be of a particular show, or it can have characters of two or more shows put together. (Cross-overs)
Terms used in fan fictions:
AU: Alternate Universe stories
OOC: Out Of Character
POV: Point Of View
One shot: refers to a single story that can be read and understood in full without having read any other prior story.
Canon: refers to elements established by the original source material
AN: Author’s Notes
Review: Thoughts, feedback and views of the readers.
PM: Private messages.
The word shipping comes from the word RelationSHIP. It is usually used with regards to Fictional characters, when one talks about investing in the relationship between two fictional characters, he/she is said to be shipping the two characters.
(Used in a sentence: I ship A and B)
Shipping includes making photo edits,(Fan art) videos and huge blog posts about the two characters.
Shipper names:
From the act of shipping came the idea of shipper names. The duo that is being shipped is sometimes given a name. It is usually created by the fans themselves by merging the two names of the said characters.
For example:
Kurt and Blaine (Glee) : Klaine
Castle and Beckett (Castle) : Caskett
Callie and Arizona (Grey’s anatomy) : Calzona
Magnus and Alec (The mortal Instruments) : Malec
Used in a sentence:
I ship Klaine.
I’m a hard-core Caskett shipper
OTP is an abbreviation that stands for One True Pair. You may be part of many fandoms and may ship many fictional relationships, but one of them is your OTP.
Your OTP is the one relationship you ship the most.
Fangirling (Verb)
Urban dictionary defines fangirling as:
1. The reaction a fangirl has to any mention or sighting of the object of her “affection”. These reactions include shortness of breath, fainting, high pitched noises, shaking, fierce head shaking as if in the midst of a seizure, endless blog posts, etc.”
2. A gathering of two or more fangirls in which they proceed to waste endless amounts of time ogling, discussing/arguing, stalking, etc. the object of their affection
Used in a sentence:
the minute she saw the new episode title on twitter, she started fangirling.
we fangirled over Castle the entire afternoon.
Fangirling on social networking sites is very common and has become very popular. Fangirls make special profiles to use for fangirling with other fangirls of the fandom.
Exclamations commonly used while fangirling:
- What is Air!
- I can’t even!
- I think I just died!
- Feels!!!
- Shut the front door! (A Casketteer favourite)