Thursday, 3 March 2016

The Actor

You aren't you.
At least not when you're up there,
Lights on your face, a spark in your eye.
Today laughter, tomorrow a strangled cry.
You are here today and tomorrow, elsewhere.
Your face so expressive one moment, the next a blank stare
You are filled with passion,
Passion to be,
Not one, but many.
But it is who you want to be.
And who am I to stand between
you and your lifetime dream.
But the problem here isn't all of the above.
The problem here is that I'm in love.
I'm in love with you. And I mean only You.
I don't feel anything for the characters you make true.
Behind all that make up and hair spray,
Is my soulmate, my night and day.
And I want nothing more than to watch you.
I will sit among the crowds and watch you shine
And I will stand when you bow, and tell everyone you're mine.
I will stand with pride, I have no doubt
But I won't kiss you until I'm sure as hell,
from your character's mind, you've come out.
For when our lips connect, our souls will too
And I will know at once if I'm not kissing you.
Spare me the torture of making love to another
While the man I love is lost altogether.
In this light, I ask but one thing,
That you take your characters to the stage
But never, to our home, bring.
In foresight, what I would inevitably dread,
Is if you lose yourself in your characters head.
And dare you bring a stranger into our bed.
I want you, for it is you I will wed.
And if ever you lose yourself in an act or two
Take your time, and all that you need,
I will be, patiently, waiting up for you.
What I hold on to now and for the days to come
Is that you play one role in my life, my life, my love
I've seen you up there and I've seen the roles you wear,
But none are as charming as you really are.
None can be my north star.
I ask that when you come home each day,
You keep me close and the rest of you away.
Tell your characters to leave us alone,
Take them off with the clothes you've worn.
Stand bare before me and let me see,
That you are the man that fell in love with me.
And I will love you and all of just you with every piece of my heart,
I will love you only with your characters apart.
You are you when you're loving me,
And that's the only You I need you to be.

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