Tuesday, 23 February 2016


You will meet selfless people in your life.
You will meet them, and befriend them, and they will surprise you.
You will meet them and know them, and not know yourself anymore.
You will meet them, and love them, and your world will change.
You will be astounded by passion in them,
by their drive to always give.
You will doubt their intentions,
but they will prove to be pure.
You will question why,
and more 'why me?'
but they will remain loving ,
loving you unconditionally.
You hold these angels close.
Don't for once think you don't need them.
You hold them close and keep them there,
Not just for you, but for their own love to share,
You accept the love they think you are worthy of,
and accept the fact that they can't stop loving you.
You don't run from a heart that will always understand.
You don't simply let go of the only person who'll hold your hand.
It would be a pity if you let them slide,
while you find refuge behind a wall, your favorite place to hide.
You embrace their love because you know it's worth the world,
you hold it tight, because they will stand by you in the fight.
You keep them near ,
because you want them there now suddenly more than need them.
And because you see now, how they help you grow
You find yourself falling in love with them,
but the kind of love that isn't bound by commitment,
It is simply a loose tie that willingly stays in place,
reversible, but you wouldn't dare untie it.
For they grow on you, they become a part of you,
so much that you can't keep them out at all.
They are within you, and around you,
and suddenly that's no longer an issue.
You like them there
But dare you get used to it,
dare you think for once that you can take them for granted.
Dare at all, to expect them to stand there while you walk all over them.
Hell will break lose as your universe readys its own noose.
Dare you decide to make them a thing of convenient use.
You will break, you will lose,
the one love that was right, the one you didn't have to choose.
They are selfless, but not naive,
they are loving but not blind.
They will kiss you sweetly on the cheek,
smile and say goodbye,
leaving you, another them to find.
I beg you, keep them near,
they are lovers of a special kind,
rare and unique, so hard to find.
You will meet selfless people in your life.
You will meet them, and befriend them, and they will surprise you.
You will meet them and know them, and not know yourself anymore.
You will meet them, and love them, and your world will change.

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