Friday 20 June 2014

Ramblings In A Row

Words exceed the capability of our lips
Thoughts fabricate faster than they can be expressed
Something silences a strong opinion or view
Time does not permit, to say what I want to.
Ideas rush in, and leave in a haste
Decisions get too impatient, they've got no time to waste
Hearts feel more then they'll ever embrace
You see more than you'll ever want to face
Hunger makes you ignore taste
Prayer makes you take for granted, god's grace
Advice is too strong to be taken,
even when you know it's enough to awaken
New generations take the place you once had,
it make's you unhappy, but also in a way, glad.
Technology outsmarts the smartest of us
yet love can manage to do the same
Endearments specific to you, are used more than your name
Hearts have learned to withstand storms
and storms have learned to make hearts fail
Instant messaging makes the world smaller by the day
I can't explain how close I am, to a friend so far away
Randomness is turning out to be the most predictable aspect of conversation
and predictable conversations very randomly come up these days.
Silence between notes on music sheets are as important as the sound
and melodious sounds silence the noise within us.
Gravity has a way of keeping us on the ground
but pride make's us fly up to the 9th cloud.

Such little time and so much to say,
So this is all the rambling I can manage for today.

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