Dear You,
I don't want to waste anymore time in getting this across to you. I've been wanting to talk to you about it and all that waiting has only caused me to keep everything inside and I can't any longer. I fear, if i do, I might just explode. So let me get straight to the point. I'm yours.
I'm yours and there's no doubt about that. But if I'm yours then why do you treat me so bad? why do you put me through things you'd never want to live through yourself? You dive into situations, knowing full well that the consequences will hurt me. And not just hurt, but also leave a scar that won't heal. I'm not a toy you can play around with. You can't expect me to change my feelings according to your mood. It takes me time to move from one emotion to the other, and sometimes I'm not even sure if you're ready for it, but you still do it anyway. And that's another point I want to make here. You never listen. You never listen to me. I know what's good for you, and I'd never let you go wrong, yet you listen to everyone and everything else but me. I can easily realize when you begin to ignore me, and I'm afraid you're doing everything I'd hate, just to torture me.
You don't see it. You don't see what we can be together. You don't see how beautifuly we could work. I wish you would just open your eyes one morning and acknowledge me, maybe even appreciate me, if it's not too much to ask. When you were younger, we shared something intimate. You'd talk to me all the time and always followed my advice. But now, you're rebellious towards me. It's as if you want a taste of pain that you know I find difficult, but impossible to keep you away from. The pain is inevitable cause you don't think of me.
You talk about me to your friends, about how I hurt you all the time. About how I, even while being so much a part of you, can act like a stranger sometimes too. You curse me when you hurt, yet you always come running back to me when you know not what to do. You don't realize how much I cherish those moments. Those moments when we talk and we connect, when we're on the same page, and we're one. Those are the moments that keep me going. Those moments are the ones that stay with me... And I cling on to them.
I'm not a switch you can turn on or off. Infact, if you try to block me out, you won't get through anything. You know you need me, and call me 'clingy' or 'over possesive', but I care about you. And whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me till the very end. So deal with it. And while you're at it, realize that I don'expect anything in return for all I do for you. I serve you with love and all I expect is respect and that you see me for what I am, you see me for the good I can bring to your life.
You have to understand, my happiness will always depend on you. You are the cause and effect of my very existence. And I will love you and stay with you for as long as that blood runs through your veins.. Always.
Yours sincerely,
Your beating Heart.